ATOUT RISK MANAGER N°22 I AUTOMNE 2019 27 À L’AFFICHE 28 AU 30 JANVIER 2019 Forum International de la Cybersécurité – FIC - Lille - Grand Palais Thème FIC 2020 : « Replacer l’humain au cœur de la cybersécurité. » Pour la première fois en 2020, le FIC se déroulera sur 3 jours avec une première journée exclusivement consacrée aux rencontres acheteurs / fournisseurs. LE 17 DECEMBRE 2019 Colloque annuel 2019 – Paris Thème de cette année : «La sécurité : un atout pour l’économie des territoires» LA SUITE DE LA MÉTEO 2019 DES SIGR, LA TABLE RONDE À PARIS DE COMMERCIAL RISK EUROPE ET L’ANNONCE DU DÉCÈS DE GÉRARD LANCNER ONT NOURRI LES MÉDIAS PENDANT L’ÉTÉ. REVUE DE PRESSE 21 LaTribunede l’assurance // juillet-août2019 // n°248 // unepublication 10% lahausseduchiffre d’affairesconsolidé delaMaifsurquatre ansà3,611Md€ 1,42Md$ lemontantdes85transactions réaliséesenfaveurdesInsurTech auniveaumondialau31mars2019 (WillisTowersWatson) LeSIGRnouveauest arrivé L’hirondelleafaitleprintemps R itueldésormaisbienrodé, lapublicationpar l’Amraedupanorama2019des systèmes d’informationdegestiondesrisques(SIGR) adonné lieuàquelquesnouveautés.Cette dernièreédition,11 e dugenre,arriveavec son lotde nouveautésàunmomentoù lesSIGRet les risques accélèrent leurmutation.Sanspourautant toutbous- culer,commelerappelleFrançoisBeaume,VPRisksand Insurance,SoneparetVPde l’Amraeainsiquecheville ouvrièredupanoramapour l’associationdepuisde nombreusesannées : «Cette11 e éditionreposecomme àchaque foissur l’analysecombinéede l’enquêteréalisée auprèsdeséditeursdeSIGRetsurcellemenéeauprèsdes riskmanagers. Celanouspermetdeproposeruneana- lysedemarché,desvuesalternatives,unedescriptiondes besoinsdes riskmanagers etdeso reséditeursdeSIGR, ainsiquedesfichestechniquesdétaillées.» Côtéméthodologie,l’enquêtemenéeauprèsdesmembres de l’associationrecueille lesavisde570 riskmanagers répartisdans36pays !Ainsi, les témoignagesd’utili- sateursdeSIGR issusdedi érentspaysapportentune dimensioninternationalebienvenue,outredeprécieux avisd’experts sur lesbonnespratiquesautourde la miseenplaced’unSIGR.Savocationd’apporteraux riskmanagers lesclésdecompréhensionactualisées decemarchéet lesaiderà faire leurschoixd’acquisi- tionoudedéveloppementd’unSIGR s’enrichitd’un prismemondial.Portant surunematièreévolutive, cepanoramacouvre lesnouvelles tendances liéesà la mutationdupérimètrefonctionnel.Decepointdevue, la11 e éditionprendencompte laconformité, laRSE, laprotectiondesdonnéesainsique lesdernières ten- dances technologiques.Résultat :un très richecahier technique,disponiblesur lesitede l’Amrae.  AMRAE/EY BAROMÈTREVIE LesILSenpertedevitesse LemarchédesILS(instrumentsdetitrisationdesrisquesd'assurances)suitlatendance duT42018avecunenouvellepertedevitesseaupremiertrimestre2019,souligneWillis Re.Unpeuplusde1,1Md$ontétélevésàl’aided’émissionsd’obligationscatastrophesnon- vie,contre1,8Md$enmoyennesurlespremierstrimestresdessixdernièresannées, lemontantleplusfaible jamaisenregistré. NVEI : lacoteenhausseduvélo LesFrançaissedisentdeplusenplusséduitspar lesNVEI,relève laMacif.Si levéloclassiquereste l’engin leplusutilisé (46%)etdominetous les autresformats,9%desFrançaisutilisentunvélo àassistanceélectriqueet7%unvélomoteur. Espace libertédePredica/CAenregistreaumoisd’avril laplusbelleprogressionparrapportaumêmemois l’annéedernière (+34%)alorsqueMultiviedeMutavieenregistre lui laplus fortebaisse (-17%).Notons quedepuisdébut2019, lacollecteglobaleestenprogressionconstante,tantchez lestraditionnels quechez lesbancassureurs. EmmanuelMayega Suiveztoutes lesétudessur LESMEILLEURESCOLLECTESDESRÉSEAUXTRADITIONNELS ENM€ Produit(société) CAavril(2019/18) Encoursavril(2019/18) M ComptemultisupportAfer(Aviva) 206(+7%) 39260(+6%) M Odyssiel/Excelium(Axa) 126(-6%) 15132(+5%) M Groupamamodulation 70(-1%) 12133(+4%) M Allianzmultiépargnevie(Allianz) 63(-5%) 2660(+16%) M RESMS(MACSF) 59(+11%) 9482(+18%) M Ass.vieresponsableetsolidaire(Maif) 39(+5%) 1964(+24%) M Multivie(Mutavie) 24(-17%) 1584(+36%) Total 587(+2%) 82215(+7%) LESMEILLEURESCOLLECTESDESRÉSEAUXBANCAIRES ENM€ Produit(société/distributeur) CAavril(2019/18) Encoursavril(2019/18) M Floriane(Predica/CA) 408(+11%) 52401(+5%) M Cachemire2(LaBanquepostale) 355(+28%) 15808(+28%) M Espace liberté(Predica/CA) 341(+34%) 17420(+22%) M Predissime9(Predica/CA) 335(+7%) 46107(+4%) M Ebène(Sogécap) 277(+14%) 15664(+15%) M LCLvie(Predica/LCL) (1) 246(+25%) 28875(+5%) M MilleviePremium(CE/NA) 227(+10%) 6737(+52%) M Sequoia(Sogécap) 193(-13%) 41387(-1%) M Quintessa(Natixisassurances) 192(+8%) 5815(+33%) M Prévi-options(Suravenir) 40(-5%) 13582(-1%) Total 2614(+14%) 243796(+8%) M :multisupport DROIT&TECHNIQUE:Assurancenon-vie,uneactivitérentablemaistrèsdisputée ENQUÊTE : Risquesprofessionnels, l’expertiseaurapport www.tribune-assurance.f r N°248 Juillet-août2019 Sur le métier... INNOVATION À larecherchedeservices etdesolutionspour inventer l’assurancededemain, lesassureursréorientent leurstratégied’investissement dans l’innovation.Entre disruptionetmodernisation, lesacteurstententdetrouver unnouveaumodèle. 20 CommercialRiskEurope European RiskFrontiers FRANCE Across thenext fewpageswebring you theFrench leg of ourRiskFrontiersEurope survey, sponsoredby HDI Global .LeadingAMRAEboardmembersgive their views on thebig topics from theworld of risk and insurance France EUROPEANRISK FRONTIERS: FRANCE | @C om R isk o nline LizBooth Risk managers must seize opportunities ahead N ew lawswill soon force French companies to takegreater corporate responsibilitybutfirms are alreadymoving in thisdirection as they recognise it is amore sustainable business approach, according to agroup of AMRAEboardmembersmeeting inParis for CRE’s2019RiskFrontiersEurope survey.They said this and other trends are creatinghuge opportunity for the riskprofession. TheFrenchgovernment introduced a company law in June that requiresbusinesses to take ongreater corporate responsibility. Speaking asAMRAEpresident,BrigitteBouquot risk manager forThales, applauded theway inwhich thisnew regulationhasput corporate social responsibility at theheart of companypractices. Shebelieves thiswillhelpput riskmanagement policies at the core ofbusiness and strategic decision-makinggoing forward. “There is auniform approach inFrance,which isdeveloping acrossEurope, thatbusinesses aremore responsible,” saidMsBouquot,who suggested that riskmanagementhas a central role toplay. “You cannotbe responsiblewithout a real riskmanagementpolicy, otherwise it could be justwindowdressing and, atbest, a tickbox on compliance,” she argued. Thegroup of riskmanagers agreed the newFrench law is ahugefillip for the risk managementprofession andwill result in risk managersplaying an evermore crucial role. AsMsBouquot said: “It is about investing not just in sprinklers andfireprotectionbut to investwholly in riskmanagementpolicies that include emerging risks such as cyber and ethical questions." “It is about investing sustainability,not in the oldfinancialwaybut in anewway. It is aquestion ofgiving resources to risk managementpolicies,because it isnow amatter of reputation,” she added. MsBouquotdoesnotunderestimate the challenge thispresents to individual risk managers.They allneed to stepup, she said. One of thekeys to a sustainable futurewillbe the ability of companies to adapt and thrive as climate change impacts their locations.Again, FrançoisMalan, chief risk and compliance officer atEiffage,believes riskmanagerswillhave an increasing important role toplay. “Riskmanagement-mappingmethodologies willbe extremelyuseful inhelping companies towork out thepossible consequences of climate change…We can contribute toproduct development, for example, as companies look to createnewproducts to cater fornew circumstances,”he said. CécileBellord, riskmanager atLouisDreyfus Armateurs, agreedwith others that risk managershave aunique opportunity to influence internalpolicieswithin their companies. “But it is very important riskmanagers focus on solutions, for examplewhen considering sanctions andnew regulations and so on,” she said. Adding: “Riskmanagers sit on abank of information that canhelp the executive committee form their strategies.” AnotherAMRAEboardmember said risk management “is one of those functionswherewe have a360˚ around thebusiness– and a view of thehorizon ahead”. MsBouquot said transformationwas at the centre ofAMRAE’s annual conference this year, but isnot an issue tobe addressed once and then left. “There is afirst level of transformation, in which a companyneeds tobecome resilient so it can remain sustainable,” saidMsBouquot. However, she said there is anew emphasis in France on a second level of transformation, duringwhich companiesneed to look atwhy they aredoingwhat they aredoing– their purpose. AndFrance isundergoing a transition of business structures.Manybusinesseswere historically family owned and ran,with the CEO effectivelygoverning the riskmanagement function.Butnowmore companies are taking on riskmanagers,whohave tohelp them transition from that familyway of thinking to amore corporateworld.This alsoprovides opportunity for riskmanagers toprove their value at the heart of everybusiness, theRiskFrontiersEurope surveyparticipants said. AMRAEboardmemberPhilippeNoirot pointed to theway thatbroader society is viewing environmental, social andgovernance issues.He stressed that corporate social responsibility isnow akey competencywithin anybusiness, andno longer a “nice tohave”. “Itwillnot justbe about the risks ofhuman capitalbut also the risks createdby increased automation anddigitalisationwithin the workplace.Wewillhave tobring our young people into theboard so oldergenerations can fullyunderstand thedynamics ofGenerationZ, for example,” addedEiffage’sMrMalan. MsBouquot stressed the risksbusinesses face if they ignore thedisruptivepower of youth, and the speedwithwhich change can come. “Risk managers can open their executives’ eyeswith regard to this. It isno longerbusiness asusual and companieshave to adapt fast.Theworld is changing andwe are facing a verydisruptive period of time.There is an issue of climate change and there is the issue of technology. There areparts of theworldwherepeople are fightingbecause of social injustice.Youngpeople are apart ofwhat ishappening andwehave to factor that into our risk awareness.” The surveyparticipants agreed that curiosity is crucial for riskmanagers to succeed.They said riskmanagershave to askquestions andwant to see into allparts of thebusiness if they are toget a fullunderstanding of the risks. “Youneed tobe curious aboutwhat is happening in thebusiness.Youmustuse social media… anduseAMRAE to ensurebestpractice and to remainup todatewith yourprofessional requirements.But a connection to thebusiness is themost importantpart,” saidMrMalan. Thosemeeting inParis said riskmanagers can sometimes operate in their ownbubbles and oftenwithout the support of a team around them.This iswhy it is so important tobe a member of aprofessional association andhave the chance to interactwithpeers, they added. BrigitteBouquot 20-CRE-Y10-04-ERF-France.indd 20 27/08/2019 11:15 COMMERCIAL RISK EUROPE SIGR HOMMAGE À GÉRARD LANCNER